Le Centre Ressource



It is a tool provided for anybody in order to help for communication, to gather observation, documents, informations, and to give broad technical and theoretical informations in order to facilitate meetings and discussions between institution, families and people willing to.




Þ supporting the professionals during their daily work,

Þ gaining experiencies of other approaches,

Þ proposing bibliography elements,

Þ giving technical informations, presentation of authors and concepts.



The European dimension will provide a large opening on philosophy, ethics, technics, and different theories.


The major field of in formation will enlarge our knowledge of formations and practices.


Our ressource center at this meeting point will enlarge its data basis as well as the provided service.



A.I.R. Services


- A library containing more than 380 books with resumes, 18 000 polycopied pages and selected articles, as well as documents of informations support on orthopedy materials, communication and interactive games.

- An autiotheque with more than 30 tapes,

- a videotheque with more than hundred tapes,

- An Airmes Software, containy a schedule of evaluation of emergent capacities of the person, exercises and interactive games, giving access to a data bank summarizing book, articles and other supports of informations.

... Evreything in our Ressource Center is indexed :



By pathologies :

- Autism

- Genetic affections

- Polyhandicap

- Trisomy 21


Par thèmes :


- Communication

- Développement de l'enfant

- Ethique et philosophie

- Evaluation

- Législation

- Management

- Neurologie

- Matériel ludique et de rééducation

- Outils éducatifs et de rééducation

- Psychiatrie

- Structures d'accueil







Pour plus d'information écrivez nous.... AIR